Fernor walnut sapling is one of the most grown varieties at high altitudes in our country and it is preferred more and more every day. This walnut type, which obtains more efficiency in high altitude areas, is also very suitable for difficult climatic conditions.
Fernor Walnut Sapling Cultivation
This walnut type, which is recommended for high regions, varies between thousand meters and 2,000 meters. It can also be grown in higher or lower regions if suitable climatic conditions are provided. This walnut sapling is one of the varieties of French origin and has a moderately vigorous, semi-upright growing very productive body. Fernor walnut sapling is more productive on side branches like Chandler walnut. Walnuts, which are in demand by many walnut growers, are collected towards the end of September.
Characteristics of Fernor Walnut Sapling Cultivation
The weight of the fruits of this walnut, which is very common in our country, is approximately 12 g. Fernor walnut saplings, which are easily separated from their shells, are delicious and consumed both dry and fresh. Walnut kernel weight is 6 grams and it is one of the varieties with much higher commercial value. Fruit clusters grow on trees in unary, binary, trinity and quadruplet.